Let us help your business eliminate single use plastics and become a sustainable work place.

Connect your business in the local economy and environment and reap the benefits.

Delve deeper into practical sustainability. It’s “Not Just Plastic ~ Not Just Beaches”.

Good for the planet.

Good for your PR.



How do the actions of your staff reflect on your business?

Are your staff confused on the issues around being plastic free and how it can be actioned at work?

Why not host a Plastic Free and Sustainability workshop for your staff? Informed staff make informed decisions in the workplace.

Are you a group of people that would like to know to live a little slower, care a little more and have a progressive impact on your surroundings?

We can tailor our workshops to your needs.


Planning an event? Will the remnants of your event have a negative impact on the local environment?

Unsure of alternatives and how to implement them? Driftwood Life can offer solutions and connect your event to its surroundings. 

We can ensure that your event is single use plastic free and sustainable.

~ Take only photographs

~ Leave only memories.



Driftwood Life can help you navigate the Plastic Free minefield:

Tips and advice to give up single use plastic without breaking the bank. 

How it’s about more than just plastic. Find out more about low impact living 

How YOU can help. 

Pledge you, or your business, to go Plastic Free as part of Plastic Free North Tyneside


80% Nutrition

20% Workout

Let Driftwood Life help you with your nutrition.

Recipes for meals that are fresh, seasonal, easy to cook and time efficient.

Supplementation – because life is busy and because food isn’t what it used to be.


Fitness that works with nature to work out your body and your mind.

We use the natural elements around us to create fun seasonal workouts.

Sessions from the comfort of your own home

Base fitness tests to test you against you.

Fitness that fits into your lifestyle. 



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