By Emmajo Haslam
Championing Small Changes
This is my first blog and I was struggling the think what to write about. I knew it had to be on Single Use Plastics. (SUP) A bit like starting this blog, the issues of plastics and sustainability are such an enormous topic, where do you start?
I started thinking about my “Why”. Why am doing what I am doing? I relaunched my company, Driftwood Life in June this year so that I could work while combining my loves of nature, being outdoors, looking after the environment, sustainability and communities.
I want to show everyday people how to introduce small changes to their lives that make a huge impact on the planet and the environment.
There have been so many fabulous programs highlighting the problems of the plastic problem; Blue Planet II, Drowning In Plastic,Simon Reeve – Mediterranean but to name a few.

However, the shear size of the plastic problem has overwhelmed so many people that they end up not knowing where to start, so they don’t.
- They don’t start.
- They do nothing.
- They feel that their contribution won’t be big enough.
- That they can’t have an impact.
I want to encourage everyone to champion the small changes in their life.
Fact: Did you know that over the 7 hours of aired Blue Planet II only 14mins showed the plastic problem! 14 minutes!!
At Home
- Swap bottles of shampoo for bars.
There are so many wonderful varieties to choose from, a bar for all tastes.
- Swap dishwasher tablets for dishwasher powder.
No one can ever open those pesky little packets anyway!
- Change your teabags for tea leaves.
There is something quite Hygge and joyful about serving tea from a teapot.
4. Give up the wet wipes;
Flannels for in the bathroom and cloths for in the kitchen.
You can clean up nuclear disasters with wet wipes, do you really want that on your face and body?
5. Own your space: #2minutelitterpick
Be responsible for where you live. Take ownership. Go out and do a 2 minute litter pick on your street. Be proud of where you live. Love your Street

Out and About
6. Say NO to a straw.
Most of us are capable of drinking by picking up a cup or a glass. Yes there are biodegradable alternatives out there but they too are single use.
7. Speak up.
Ask your local shop or café for your drink in a glass rather than a disposable alternative. Refuse the individual
The more venues hear that people don’t want all the single use items, the more they will change.
8. Plan Ahead. Make Ahead
Do you really enjoy those soggy sandwiches from the corner shop on the way to work? Pre-packaged food will never taste as good as homemade. Cook extra and love your left overs. They make great lunches.
9. Sit In
If you are visiting a food or drink venue while out, take the time to sit in, enjoy your purchase and soak up the atmosphere. That’s half the fun! NO single-use items required.
10. Take your own
If you are heading out and about, remember to take your reusable cup with you. A lot of venues will offer you discount for taking your own cup. And don’t worry, you won’t be seen as the local weirdo – its seen as the norm these days!

but most importantly
Most of our dependence on single use plastic comes from our need to do everything at a million miles an hour. We live in an instant gratification society. Slow Down. Enjoy what you are doing while you are doing it.

Shaped by NATURE - Driven by YOU